



  • 出版社:國立臺灣大學出版中心


    Intellectual Activism in Knowledge Organization is an interdisciplinary analysis of the Chinese bibliographic tradition written for a wide audience. In particular, the study investigates the classification applied in the Seven Epitomes《七略》, the first library catalog on record in Chinese history, completed a few years before the Common Era. It is important to study this classification, which is said to have established the model for the entire Chinese bibliographic tradition, where classification has always been an integral part and the sole mechanism for organization. While influential, neither the classificatory principles nor the structure of the classification are well understood. In the book, Lee Hur-Li conducts a hermeneutic study of three main aspects of the classification: the classification’s epistemology, its overall classificatory mechanics, and its concept of author as an organizing element. Taking a socio-epistemological approach, the study applies an analytical framework to the examination of the classification in its proper social, cultural, historical, and technological contexts. Lee concludes by summarizing the major achievements of the classification and articulating implications of the findings for various disciplines.



    • 出版日期:2016/08/11
    • 語言:英文

    • ▲網友在臉書分享一隻黑條灰燈蛾影片,剛好呈現求偶狀態非常罕見。(圖/翻攝自爆料公社)

      Intellectual Activism in Knowledge Organization:A Hermeneutic Study of the Seven Epitomes


      The Seven Epitomes (Qilue, 《七略》) is the first Chinese classic in the discipline of bibliography, and as such, it has piqued the interest of many Chinese scholars over the last few decades. Although this bibliography is vital to understanding classical Chinese literature, there are no English scholarly works that systematically analyze it. Intellectual Activism in Knowledge Organization is a significant investigation into this often neglected area and provides new insights into this classic. From the perspective of knowledge organization, the book contributes to Chinese bibliography a new theoretical framework that goes beyond the conventional approaches of literary canonization and philosophy. Furthermore, it is a milestone study detailing the historical development of Chinese thought from the Warring States period to the Han dynasty.――Chon-chit Tang, Associate Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Macau




    • 作者: Lee Hur-Li



      Intellectual Activism in Knowledge Organization:A Hermeneutic Study of the Seven Epitomes

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